24hr Emergency Service Call: +1 713 992 6664 / +1 713 909 0122

24hr Emergency Service Call: +1 713 992 6664

Traditional Shipping Support

We have experience of working the full spectrum of Marine Assurance / Operations at a leading oil major and vessel management company. Developed internal vetting systems (Tankers & Offshore vessels), input to the OVID system, OVMSA protocol and carried out tank and offshore vessel inspections and operations. We can offer the following traditional shipping services from an oil majors' perspective

  • SIRE, OVID, CDI, suitability and navigational audits.
  • TMSA, OVMSA development and audits.
  • Company SMS and ISO 9001,14001 & 18001 audits.
  • Marine Terminal inspections, MTPQ, MTMSA and MTOCT assistance.
  • Development of terminal operations and maintenance manuals / systems.
  • Assistance with sale and purchase of vessels, pre-purchase/sale and pre-management inspections.
  • Development of company internal vetting systems and upgrade of existing systems.
  • Oil, Chemical, LNG, drillship vessel fabrication oversight.
  • Dry-docking, modification, repair planning and oversight.
  • Oil/Chemical/LNG vessel management and crewing.
  • Owners rep, Port Captain, Pre-Vetting inspections, USCG/SIRE/CDI/OVID inspection attendance, tank cleaning etc .